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Snappy | 21:44 Tue 22nd Jul 2008 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Where is the least painful place to get a tattoo? :-)


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Edinburgh ? :<)
lmao @ that ^^ reply!!!!

Umm, im guessing the top of your arm? As it's quite fleshy and not bony, or your backside maybe?
ooh -that sort of tattoo-sorry---teehee
I dont think its advisable to get a tattoo in a place that may hurt less rather than having it somewhere you would like it to be. You may regret it. I had a tattoo done funnily enough in Edinburgh about 3 months ago and I regret it, not the design just the area in which I had it done. I would think about it seriously, I thought I had and I truly wish I hadnt had it done.
the seats are just too steep now beejay1124
i either get vertigo or chronic backache
good answer though lololol
On someone else
on somebody else!
ex girlfriends face
Hi, there is no least painful place to have a tattoo as it all depends on your pain threshold. If your not good at dealing with pain then i would think very seriously about having one done. I would warn you tho, that if you go for a tattoo and you like it-tattooes become addictive lol. Iv got 14 and i just love body art.
hope you go on ok. let us no wot happens.

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