please help!
i need either a trustowrthy online translator, or one of you lot to help me!!
i would like the word "maat" translated into arabic for a tattoo, and need your help!
please please help!
even if it means me paying for you to post me the written word, or a trustworthy online site.
please :) thanks x
Don't get a tattoo. They are cheap and tacky. I don't know how old you are but imagine how silly you'll look when you are eighty-three years old and sat in the day-centre with tattoos on you.
Basically when we all reach the age when we're shoved into a God's Waiting Room (Old fogies home) i'm willing to bet at least two thirds of us will have tattoos, not to mention numerous piercings, anyway- you won't look out of place at all.
Sadly, Can't help with your initial question though.