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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

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Chickadee | 18:25 Tue 12th Aug 2008 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Has any one had or have this?

Dr has suggested I have this (all symptoms point to it) and is going to refer me for physio. At the moment (again at her suggestion) I have my wrist and thumb strapped in a crepe bandage. As it is my right hand and I am right handed it is a bl***y pain in the bum!!

Does anyone have any ideas on how to help with the pain of this?



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my sister had it bad during preganancy and it took a wee while to go afterwards. She did not have to wear the strapping all the time - she always wore when sleeping and tried to use at various times thoughtout the day and this certainly helped her.
It usually goes for the dominant hand.

What do you do as a job, is it something repetitive with that hand?

Rest, rest and more rest and avoiding movement which may aggravate it is very important and if your job involves repetitive movements with that hand then you could look at ways of reducing that.

You could see an osteopath or chiropractor for further help, it costs but can be very worth it. Accupuncture could also help though get it done by a proper professional used to treating that kind of thing such as an osteo or chiro.

Yoga can help as well to regain strength.

Vitamin B6 can also help.

Some more info here from ARC... 08.asp
I had this problem a couple of years ago - it was painful and weird at the same time.

I eventually tryed acupuncture - and after two treatments it was gone. It may not help in your case but it is certainly worth the try.

Good luck.
I hadn't thought of acupuncture. I've got a combination of CT syndrome and tenosynivitis. I strap my wrist up regularly, but I do find that a regular visit to the osteopaths seems to help.
Mr Spudqueen suffers from this. He thinks he sleeps funny on his wrist which causes/does not help it.

He wears one of those wrist support things, you can buy them in Boots. It's not one of the white ones, it's beige and wraps round the thumb. He find it really helps.
i'm 23 and suffered in my right hand with CT syndrome, after helping out my sister-in-law in the kitchen of her cafe on one occasion last year.

I was chopping stuff for a couple of hours and this gave me numbness and pins and needles in my hand. the pain and discomfort lasted for well over a month. not had it since so i'd obviously trapped the carpal tunnel with the repetitive action of chopping.
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