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Things that men are instinctively attracted to...

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lovefoolb4u | 02:55 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
I read an article AGES ago that said what men are naturally attracted to, but can't remember what they were! I know that big eyes and long hair were two of them, but can't remember the rest.

Anyone have any ideas as to what men find subconsciously attractive in a woman?


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Well it's probably to various parts of their anatomy!
definitly body parts remember a mans brain is not in his head!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tits and ass.
Very true, but nature programmes them in this way...unfortunately! : )
red lips too

looks like the labia

d t h ?
Leg never holds back-does he ? lol

but what if she is in a burnoose?(sp? )
a burnoose ?

wtf is that ?
Question Author
red lips was definitely another one in the article actually haha.
Burnoose??? Mongoose????
its te thats why womens red lipstick is atractive

in early days we were naked and a womans labia would be visible if she was on all fours

thye say that red lipstick li`s brings back thta distant memory
Full, pouting lips as well, by all accounts.
if she kneels right down and leans forward



definitly shaply women there is more to hold on to , perhaps thie mother!!!!!after all men spend nine months getting out of the womb and the reat of their life trying to get back in :-)
Lol - but no "thinking" woman these days just wants to be ogled as a sex object. The trouble is, men were put on this planet to reproduce with women, and as the natural "hunter" he often can't help himself!
o geeez...why am I laughing????
I shall send Henry to you, madam!!! LMAO!!!!!
thats an interesting thought we could keep a sperm bank full for reproductive purposes and then we could let the male (weaker) species become extinct. We ahve suffered to much at the hands of men ever since Eve tempted adam in the garden of eden and he being weak gave in and so we are paying since
I heard long red nails don't go amiss either - but maybe I was listening to a personal preference there!
Anyway lovely peeps - I'm off to bed now.

Have a good night - whatever you're thinking of doing. xxxx
if the nails are long men pride themselves on long objects not sure bout painted red types :-)

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