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Holding your breath

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aka pixi | 19:54 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
How long can you hold your breath for?

I'm hopeless.I can only do it for 8 seconds til I feel like Im going to pass out.


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Woo hoo -55secs -but I dont smoke :)

Now dont ask me how long I can bite my tonque for lol
Actually could have went more but there was good bit on Corrie and I was distracted :0
About 2 mins.
2 mins JJ? I'm impressed...

'big lungs'?... or all that recent 'diving' practice?
O man -I was only testing -I will start now and see if I can really go the whole road -before passing out that is lol

JJ -beat this ................................
Depends. Generally as long as it takes for my cat's fart to dissipate. Manky puss!
Depends on what I'm doing at the time ;-)
Ha ha, very good azo.

I can hold onto swimming pool steps underwater for about 2 mins.

Hadn't really thought of it before, but holding your breath is useful in all sorts of situations.

btw, are you stalking my threads ???

it did not help though pixi that you were dizzy to start with did it?
74secs -there -man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JJ -you got big lungs or what !!!!!!!
Is Dris still going ??????????
Hint ... you can hold your breath for longer in water than in the dry.


Nope, she's not. :O(
Aww right -I was quite impressed with my second effort -struggled tho.I was gagging lol
Hint...holding your breath in water is an experiment best not attempted near a laptop.
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pmsl at dris's good bit on corrie

omg jayne, 2 mins underwater? I cant even stand being ducked under lol

If you can do 74 secs at home, you can prob do a min and a half in water, and you could easily build that up to 2 mins.

It's not to do with big lungs, it about

1. not using up the O2 in your body

2. Resisting the breathing impulse

3. mammalian diving rexlex

It's really not hard.

pixi ... don't you ever go in a swimming pool on holiday?

Best place to do it is floating face down in an outdoor pool, with the warm sun on your back, and relaxed.

(best to let someone know what you're doing, otherwise you may be manhandled out of the water by a life guard ... not always a bad thing!)

i had a dog years ago and it was ill i took it to the vet and he could do nothing for it he gave it a jag and its been holding its breath for 9 years now
So you dog didn't get to drive the 'jag' that the vet gave it?

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