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Bi sexual

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flump1 | 22:22 Wed 03rd Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
I have just found out a male friend of mine is bisexual . I must admit to being ignorant about this , can somebody shed some light on what bi sexuality means? Does it mean he is and interacts with both sexes?


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Have you thought that HE may not have put his details on the gay site?

Somebody else could have done it for a lark,or just to be nasty.

Are you gay, flump?
kujawski that is a very negative and incorrect comment.i agree there are many promiscuous(spelling?) bi sexual people but there are just as many promiscuous staight people and gay people.i am bisexual myself and its when you are attracted to a person not a gender and you can enjoy sexual contact with a male or female.sexuality isnt just about who u choose to have sex with it runs much deeper than that
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Hi Ethel, no I am not gay and he put all his own details on a site. Seems he is leading a double life at the moment, which I don't have a problem with , if I had known .
Why were you looking at a gay website then?

Seems an odd thing for a heterosexual to do.
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Unless you are in a sexual relationship with a person I don't think their sexual leanings matters one jot.

I think a person is entitled to privacy about his or her sex life and it shouldn't make any difference to how you feel about him or interact with him.
Just wondered why you were on a Gay website Flump??
Do you really like this guy??

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