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Basket Coffin

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shylock73 | 21:20 Thu 04th Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
This afternoon whilst driving home a hearse came along in the opposite direction with a basketwork coffin it. Are these made just for Cremation?


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Im having an eco friendly (cardboard) coffin for when I go into the kiln,What a waste of money otherwise IMO.
Although I'd be dead, I'd be absolutely mortified if anyone went against my wishes & had me buried!

I've had a fear of being buried alive, ever since I was 19 & saw the film 'Premature Burial' at the cinema!

I'd like to be laid out in a wicker coffin, cremated & some of my ashes scattered in a park Mum used to take us to when we were little. The rest I'd like scattered under an old oak tree in:
Ashridge Woodland Park

We've spent many happy times there & the four grandchildren enjoy shuffling through the Autumn leaves with us, wellies & all.
My first preference was to be laid out in a suitable cardboard box too, but then my thoughts were, that if it rained whilst the undertakers were shifting me about, the box & me would end up a soggy site!
Never thought of that Smudge. Perhaps a big black plastic bin liner would be better ;o)
Ha, ha, a black bin liner! Being my luck, it'd probabaly split Lottie! ;o}
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Well, Thanks to all for the interest shown to my question which has made me make up my mind about my demise in the not too distant future. I particularly like Eddie51`s link with the coloured caskets. Being a keen gardener I`ll go for the one with a flower on it as I dont want any real flowers, why should they die just to make my departure look good.

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Basket Coffin

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