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Poorly cat

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sherryberry | 17:40 Fri 05th Sep 2008 | Pets
9 Answers
I've got a cat and she's been in the wars a bit lately and was wondering if anyone has any advice/ideas.

She was a stray and I took her in about 8 years ago, so am not sure of her exact age. The vet recently said she was at least a "good teenager" and that she could tell by her eyes. She is a tortoiseshell moggie and is a really lovely and loving cat.

Recently her eye started watering and then within days a lump came up on her face, just underneath her right eye. I took her to the vet who said it was an abscess and he had to remove a couple of teeth. When I took her back for the post op check, the lump was still there and it seemed to have got a bit bigger and was now feeling very hard, like bone growth or something. The vet said it may be a tumour and that as it was on her face there wouldn't be much they could do. Only bring her back if she stopped eating or her behaviour changed significantly.

Anyway, today I noticed that her eye is watering again but that it appeared a bit pink too (as if very very watery blood). Her mouth was also dribbling with the same watery substance too. So I phoned the vet and they said to take her in on Monday morning.

I am really concerned about her, coz she is such a lovely little thing and I would hate her to be in pain. She's not crying and is eating normally.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced similar situation with their cat and if you have any advice or ideas as to what may be up with her.

Thanks a lot.


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hi do you think that whatever it is it is starting to burst it still might be an abcess so it might be starting to drain i would think if she is eating she feels ok and is not in pain. did the vet give her any antibiotics. i hope she will be ok good luck on monday
I don't have any advice to give but I know what its like to have a sick cat and I hope it all works out for you and your cat. Good luck
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Thank you both for your answers. Yes she did have antibiotic injection few weeks ago when teeth came out. I have nasty suspicion it is all something much worse and I just have to get used to the idea. Will post back on Monday when Vet has seen her. Thanks again for kindness :o)
Hi, I just wanted to say that I hope it turns out to be just an abscess and that she's OK.
Fingers crossed for your little lady, i too hope its just an abscess,thinking of you both on monday.
best wishes and lots of love from me as well, hoping you both get on ok at the vets. looking forward to hearing from you on Monday. luv Jan x
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Hmph...not good news, I'm afraid :-(

Took her to vet today and they said that it is a tumour on her face and that it will get worse and more painful and that we should put her down "imminently". The reason that her eye, mouth and nose is running is because the lump is starting to impact on her nasal passage. They gave her some pain relief and antibiotics and said that if she didn't improve by Wednesday/Thursday I should take her back in for the last time.

Orrrrr bless her. Poor little Suzie Wong Wongs.

A big thank you for your lovely messages and kind thoughts. xxx
I have been in this situation before and have great sympathy for you both.

I'm afraid it is probably time to say goodbye. I think it is the kindest thing to do. It is hard, I know.
sherry i am so sorry to hear your sad news it is so hard when we have to face this all you can do is your best which you have and give her lots of love thinking of you Ruth xxx

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