aww tigwig, i hope you get the result you want. if you dont mind me giving you some advice, which you are free to take or leave, i would say you are more unlikely to concieve when you are so het up about it all, counting days etc, and are just setting yourself up for greater and greater disappointments every month. it can take over your sex life, marriage and make you feel very miserable and turn you into an obsessive. i have had personal experience of this agonising every month and feeling bitterly deflated, and it certainly affected my relationship for a while. it might be better just to come off contraception and just have sex when you both feel like it so its more relaxed. It might not be such a bad thing if it takes awhile as then you might at least have a chance to save up some money, or hubby get more jobs so you are in a better position to cope financially with maternity leave and another child.
As i said, the great thing about advice is that you can take or leave it!