I'm moving into a student house soon and we're currently looking at the best options for wireless internet. With a few we've looked at, they offer a 2MB connection speed. I was just wondering if anyone could give me any idea of whether this would be any good? There'll be four of us living in the house using the internet and then i suspect friends may be round now and again using their laptops, so there could be five or six of us on the internet at once. Will 2MB be enough?? What do we need?? Does anyone know any really good deals for the internet?? Thanks a lot!
I'd phone up Tiscali (my ISP of choice right now), and see what your line supports.
Older houses, or in more rural areas, will not be able to support the faster lines. If you think that your line should be fine, but they only quote slower speeds, phone BT and ask them to do a more expansive line check, and a day or so later the other providers like Tiscali should have that data too.