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Oh my god

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sir.knobby | 21:49 Fri 17th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Lippy le duck has just come home from work and said to me well we have been married 5 months today now so where is me card and prezzie and I completely forgot all about it.

But I bluffed my way out of it by saying

"your card and your bunch of cadburys roses is here but you will have to follow the clues that I have left around the house to find the treasure"

Now please please can one of you get round here fast with a happy 5th month wedding annivesarry card and a bunch of cadburys roses and sneak them in the back door to me. And I will sort the ones out about the clues that have left around I will just say that the dog ate them.

Hey why dont I just say that the dog found each clue and ate it and then found the treasure and ate that as well.

Thanks ya all dont reply as I have sorted my own question owt.

Tooty Tooty mon peeps.....



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Any easy to follow slow cooker recipes knobby? lol!
Or shall we not go down that road?
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No fish please
How can I write the 'Laurel and Hardy' theme tune?
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Easy just use your ed ed
Knobby make her my fruity crumble mate

its a winner winner chicken dinner

ooh la la la laaaa

bring on the kazooos

zoot zoot zooottttttttttttttttttt
Now you are both here...can we have a rendition of 'The blue mountains of Virginia' It was great the first time you did it and especially when it made the charts..!
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Well toot my horn and play the bagpippeys I aint cooking the chicken crumble for le duck.

God am I turning into monty now
knobby there's not such thing as a 5 months anniversary so stop worrying, just give lippy a hug and take her out tomorrow night for a curry. Bye the way seeing as it's your birthday soon why not make it a double celebration.

no problem .

one thing ill look i saved the arguement with sandra and haysi and when sandra posted sayin i bombarded her with calls and texts you said i did it to you too and called at all hours crying on the phone etc .

so that was you backing them up

ill look for it tho.

anyways steg started on me for nothing .

my last warning , ive been right so far on him , beware , these stoners arent to be trusted .

see ya


Puss you have to let Knobby down gently.. He really believes in this monthly anniversary..In fact he still believes in the tooth fairy. How strange is that ?
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Oh my god puss she may pis me of sometimes but I would not like to take her out as I would have to pay for her funeral if I did.

Oh and evening dabees how you hanging around tonight then.
To the right or to the left?
Stevie or can I call you Stephen...For a jock you can be quite masterful..
Stephen...You really do need to find yourself a partner and stop playing the agony aunt.
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Are you baiting us again mr ed
Leg -I have always said to you that Steg is a friend of mine -he may hate you and you may hate him but he is a cracking good pal !!!

Cheers ya **** stirrer.

Dont care tho cos I simply dont give a flying **** -post anything I have written to you if you like -no skin off my nose.All true -you have only let yourself down pal.

Can you not just have a w ank to relieve your frustration rather than copy and paste private EMails -you a closet voyeur Stevie??
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You are the master
I just drop a line in the water and whoops a Stephen Whale jumps into my keep net.
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Evening driss it's all fun and frollicks on here tonight annit
ooooooooh I wish !
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Trick or treat then babbess

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Oh my god

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