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thanks so much for replies
i have googled it but not really found anything useful but will keep trawling though :)
the symptons have been fairly common ones unfortunately. it started with severe headaches lasting for days, dizziness and sickness and my gp told me i had high blood pressure and put me on tablets. also, extreme tiredness and complete lack of energy and no desire to eat or drink (i think i went a week without food while in hospital) the symptons did not subsist so he kept increasing dosage but eventually blood pressure went extremely low and i was admitted to hospital then. symptoms stayed the same the whole time but at varying degrees - sometimes vomitting or heaving, other times just sickness, sometimes i felt like me head was going to explode with pain - the dizziness was scarey which has led to the lack of confidence i think you know like gong out on my own in case i fall over !! also, my neck and face came out in red spots for about a week
have been checked for meningitis and altho the symptoms are similar, they have ruled this out.
any other comments would be great
thanks :)