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Hi kingbadman,
No good news on this issue, im afraid. I think what has happened to me is that I have learnt to accept this problem and spend less of my time thinking about it. Though I still notice people (mainly people that know me, but also strangers) react to my presence.
As far as I know, there is no history of odours in my immediate family.
Last summer, I had a serious illness which kept me in hospital for a week. During the time I underwent many blood tests and scans (In the space of a month I gave dozens of blood and urine samples and had multiple X-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans). All the issues picked up were treated. But none relates to the odour problem.
I think I will agree there is a psychiatric element to it as well. But I do not think its solely mental.
From medical viewpoint, I was diagnosed with GORD /GERD (google it) about 5 years ago and none of the medication prescribed appear to work. Recently, I was told I had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and was advised to vary my diet to see what works best for me.
I think getting older makes me realise that life MUST go on inspite of this problem. So I am just making sure I eat well, keep up personal hygenie see how it pans out.