Repeat prescriptions in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Repeat prescriptions

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gloop | 11:43 Thu 30th Oct 2008 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Does anyone know if you can order repeat prescriptions over the phone at Boots? Thanks.
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No, you have to order repeat prescriptions from your GP surgery, don't you? |Else who else would do the prescribing?
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I always just order and pick up my pill from Boots. They contact the docs about it. I don't need to visit The doc every time I get my pill.
havent you just answered your own question then?
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No. I asked if I could make an order over the phone rather than go there in person.
I order mine through docs they will only take email order if you want boots to pic up pescription you will have had to fill a form in
I've looked on line for you, but no definite answer.

If they don't, use a different chemist. I can order by presciption from my local chemist online and he delivers them to me - free.
You can do it online, so I imagine you can do it by telephone

Register here to manage your repeating prescription online with reminders by email and free delivery to home, place or work, or convenient collection from your Local Post Office

I would like to manage my prescriptions online for delivery or Post Office collection

http://www.boots.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet /PCSAdvertView?storeId=10052&langId=-1

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Thanks for your help. I'll give them a ring when I can to see.

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