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is it society in general or just here?

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legendis.god | 18:04 Wed 12th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Whats happened to the world we live in?
You cant say something totally innocent without some weirdo taking it out of context and trying to twist it to imply you're some sort of weirdo.

" I love your innocence

its almost child like "

Becomes " you like her innocence cos its "child like" ????

sicko "

It seems that its more and more common on here .
Is it also the same in society ?
Ive read you cant take photos of your kid at school sports or school plays etc .
Is there a paranoia present in society that anyone and everyone is under suspicion for merely being nice or friendly?

Isn't it just sad ?

Personallyi worry about folk even joking about anything like this , makes me wonder if thats their idea of humour , whats their idea of fun ?

Maybe its just me tho ?


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Some people find bad things because ...

(1) they WANT to find bad things, so they will take something meant innocently, and portray it as bad


(2) their minds are full of bad things, so that they will latch on to any possible bad element, which would not even occur to other people.

In either case, having turned something perfectly innocent into something bad, what they do next is feign indignation.

What's been said Leggy?
Just hypothetical, I think, ummmm
I dunno Leg! A bloke I am seeing said something quite similar at the weekend to me. I took it as a compliment to my obviously underrated acting skills!!!! I suppose I could have smacked him in the mouth and called him a paedo or something though had my mind been that way inclined!!
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Not the first time on here

In the summer i commented about some kids playing outside at football with a large water bottle as a ball.
it was easily 85 degrees and so i offered them all an ice pole to cool down.
( i know their mothers BTW from nearby apartments , though not intimately )
When i gave them the ice pole they all said Gracia's and were polite and a credit to their parents.
When i posted about it, and the difference in attitude from kids in the uk.
You guessed
I was accused of grooming the kids and being a pervert.

Ffs I'm a parent and it disgusts me that some folks minds work in such a disgusting and depraved way.
There's gotta be something wrong mentally with someone who can actually envision these sort of things and use it as an insult.
I'm sickened and think the people posting such crap are just depraved.

If that's what being good and nice is then fck it ill stay as i am.
At least my conscience is clear .

End of rant



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Usual ummm , bramaid welll at least i know you wouldnt take it out of context
congrats on the guy btw

jayne not hypothetical just hypocritical

usual from some here.

anyways im offfski

ill return here to the gutter later

be good ladies

and remember

im truly sorrry


theres only one of me : 0) lol
That was a while ago leg. Are you o.k?
Leg, I can sympathise. A single male friend of mine was recently at a street market and came across a young child who was lost. He was too scared to approach the child and help for fear of being accused of child abduction or something. Thankfully, two elderly ladies stepped in and helped. Unfortunately, there are certain members of society in general who will look to find the bad in people whatever the real situation and motives may have been.
I think the problem we have here, as I know which post you're refering to, is not what was said, but who it was said, you. And your response was all the more umm shall we say angry because of who made that remark back to you.

Did that make sense?
legend much as you get on my tits I have to say that being accused of grooming for giving kids you know an ice pole (guess thats a lolly) is bloody stupid
it was an uncalled for comment, I remember the post, I also remember the continued implications made by several trolls after the post.
pmsl - I reckon Pixi's answer deserves LOTS of stars!!!!

Tell it like it is, love!
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Well boo thats always my response

never have held with the paedo crap on here

and for the record the only reason wardy fellout with me was because i challenged him about his foul abuse to feena ( who i dont know or talk to ) about her husband sodomisaing her disabled spasssy kid ( as he put it ) then her giving her husband filattio.

I saw that and told wardy what i thought

i never enter into that sick abuse

i honestly believe , right or wrong , that anyone who can post graphically about such things , and find them amusing , is a risk to children .

i may be wrong .but ive seen folk say they wouldnt let wacko jacko watch the kidas , well he doesnt say that stuff.

And yeah boo its more feacesbook crap.
For a parent to joke about that is disgusting and sick

Anyway made my point
im away

got things in the real world to deal with

and thanks all ok .
LOL barmaid :)

ooh I got 3 stars earlier, in science too...swank swank heehee
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pixi id never try that

and btw

i prefer them on the larger side : 0)

anyways thanks folks
i dont do stars

due to an ilness

called laziness

im away before alll of faecesbook spills onto here

cazz todays was a comment from me to 4getmenot , whos 30 i think ??
welll anyways it was matrod , our friend from faecesbook who uses gravys real name , posts my name , knobbys name and pictures of me , and death threats and has had 5 usernames which were vatriations of my name banned , and also the tasteful legsdeadbaby.

So this idiot/twit/whatever will leave in the knowledge im far up the evoloutionary ladder from that scum.

later ladies.

ill be backkkkkkkk
I missed that post, I was referring to the original post a few months ago
Why suddenly start this out of the blue?

You create trouble, you court trouble, and trouble follows you. As you reap. Just take a break, preferably for 5 years.

you trying to say im flat chested legend? lol

aww never mind about the stars, so long as you are thinking them...or is that too much flipping trouble too?
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its my post of the month post
ruined of course
by more peado cra`p
i expect a barrage later

i will stock uponn tissues for the impending tears

im sure ill shed many

well in some folks imagination that is

ill be looking down on scum .

later cazz.
take care , and boo and the rest , thanks, ive got a tear in my eye : 0)
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whiffy look for once tryand be a decent person

its from a thread today

if you wanna defend it then be my guest

nothing with you would surprise me

new depths plumbed.


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is it society in general or just here?

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