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No presents? :o(

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CAJ1 | 16:44 Tue 25th Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
I don't think my boyfriend has got me anything for my birthday although he did say if I saw a pair of shoes I liked he would get them for me but if I don't see any then he won't have anything as a back up! I originally thought he was going to propose as I found a bit of paper but don't think he is going to now.

Would it annoy you if your other half gave you nothing on your birthday?


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men are notoriously bad at choosing gifts, the sweating and blind panic will have them buying anything, shoes are a very personal gift so its something you would choose for yourself, you could hint at some alternatives that are not so personal (like jewellery) that he would feel comfortable buying on his own.

if you leave him with no options you may be presented with a toaster
CAJ- can you tell us what was on the bit of paper to make you think he was going to propose? :-)
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Well in June I found a bit of paper that he had written on and it had my full name on it and then it said I have something that I have wanted to ask you for a while now and then it had the months listed out until my birthday like he was working out how long he had.
Aaaaaw! :-) xxxx
You mean some women get birthday presents? I've been missing out obviously. Mr thug once got me a pair of tweezers from Safeway as they were closing on Christmas Eve. He said he'd been busy. I don't bother much with him now, either for birthday or Christmas. It's not my way but I've learned not to get upset as he's never going to change. I think it is selfish and uncaring.
CAJ1, all I can say to you is be very careful what you wish for. My husband has never been good at choosing gifts for me, in the early days he thought I would be over the moon at the garish lingerie he bought, never the right size and so uncomfortable to wear that they spent their whole life in a box on top of the wardrobe. He did his best God love him, but I have learned the lesson and now we go out together to buy my present either on the day or a couple of days before my birthday - he can be very generous if I let him, but we have to be a bit careful of our finances, so we set a reasonable budget before we go out.

He never forgets to buy me a card though, so I am quite happy.

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No presents? :o(

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