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knees hurt when I bend down

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lil75 | 22:53 Wed 26th Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Ive noticed this for the past couple of years, everytime the weather gets cold, my knees hurt when I bend down? Any ideas what it could be, thanks


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Have you got any arthritis in your family hon?
Question Author
yes, now im worried!
Which kind, if you know?

It could be a bit of wear and tear especially with the cold weather and especially if you've had any past injuries which have weakened them any.

Pop and see you GP and ask him to have a look.

He may get some X-Rays done to see if there is any wear or tear and such and maybe some blood tests.

Don't worry too much, it might just be general aches and pains, not moving about much or overstrain etc...
Am off to bed but grab me on FB if you need me :)
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Thanks Jen, not sure what type? will have to ask my mum, I went to a party about a month ago and danced all night...for a few days after that my knees were really sore! My mum said that thats how her sisters started. They dont hurt majorly but I can feel a strain on them
Would be interesting to know which type.

Maybe just a bit of a strain then, were you wearing high heels as well?

Won't hurt the doc to take a look and keep an eye esp if certain types of arthritis are in the family. They may be able to suggest exercises and supplements and such to keep them healthy.

Do they get hot and swollen at all?

Catch you later x
Try Cod Liver Oil, Glucosamine & Chondroitin, and Rose Hip extract.

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knees hurt when I bend down

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