My friend has had some pain in her left breast recently- painkillers dont shift it. Shes waiting on an appointment at her doctors, but she thinks her breast has now shrunk (and its quite visible to me) anyone have any ideas shes been reading all sorts of horror stories on the internet and is really worried!!!
Any unusual changes in the breast should be checked out by a doctor asap.
When is her appointment?
If the doctor thinks there is cause then she will be referred to the local breast clinic for further assessment.
For most women it's something harmless. I've been referred twice now, once on the urgent cancer referral list and both times it came back as a harmless fibrous adenoma.
Breast pain IS a relatively good sign as malignant disease of the breast is usually painless. I think that the statistcs are that out of 200 lumps seen by GP. only one turns out to be malignant.
Hi 4getmenot, Im just repeating what the breast consultant told me as I was getting pain under my arm at the time as well as breast pain. It turnbed out to be a "fibro" but I now have chronic mastalgia. Re the breast shrinking, I cant comment on that.
Ok ok it may be a better sign but surely any breast pain is not a great sign. it can be bad also. I just mean it doesnt always mean it a good sign. I read a story about a womans wedding dress saving her because when she tried it on a pain shot through her breast so she went to get it checked out and it was early signs of breast cancer so they caught it early stages and gave her treatment
I think how you meant to word it was most pains in breast can just be just fibro. Just doesnt mean all breast pains are. I just dont want her to go back to her mate and say any breast pain is usually a good sign and get her hopes up. xx
Hi 4getmenot. I went out. Yeh as long as tinkerbells mate sees her doc thats the most important thing eh? My friend suffers with Chosto Condtritis (Sp), athritis of the rib and chest so she gets a lot of pain as well. xx
Hey guys- thanks for your concern!!! i know that after she had her little girl (who is now nearly 4!) she had really bad mestitis in the same breast- she got an appointment today at ten! so ill keep you all posted! I guess us women just panic with the whole breast pain thing!!!!!