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I need knobby

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bugmenot1 | 16:52 Sat 06th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
knobby, i need you because steve he says he not marry me now and only want to see child when he wants to.

I need marry someone and you said on cell phone last night that you marry me if i not be with steve. so now i not be with him as my heart belong to you now.

will you marry me and be good father to my child now knobby?

i wait

with anticpation

for an answer from knobby?


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HA HA HA, this is getting better by the day, you must be really desperate now,
Even I don't fancy Knobby,
But i would ask Lippy first if i were you. :-)
We all know what you need Bugsy
Well i don't really care which one you marry, bugmenot, as long as i can be Godmother to the baby? x
Whoever is behind all this malarky...thanks for the laughs mate, this is hilarious!
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I need man to be good father, to bring money to table and to offer me bed for sexo

if knobby not want me then who is lippy and do they have these qualities in a man.
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why you want to make movie out of copos mpl de ma�z? you funny man doctorspok
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Can somebody start a raffle, for the hand of bugmenot,
I don't think you will need to sell many tickets.
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hahaha! This is quite the saga! Bugmemots, drisgirl says he is wantin too try a bit of bisexual so maybe you could hook up?0)
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you funny man doctorspok. you talk about copos mpl de ma�z and how you make movie about it and then you call me bugermenuts hahah

i like you, maybe you ring me on my number i give before and you and me be freinds and you come stay and live with me and knobby when we get house together as our guest.

she* haha
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I'm near weeing myself with laughter now!
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i know like drisgirl as she is scary being two people at same time. I not know which girl i would be chatting to because she would use very different voice on phone pretending to be haysi06 and then herself.

she is what we call in spain esquizofr�nico. i am sorry i do not know this word in english

This still going on from last week!!!!


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I need knobby

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