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could i be?

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Kiwi2097 | 22:22 Thu 18th Dec 2008 | Pregnancy
17 Answers
hello answer bank, this is my first question and i appologise if it is abit graphic, but i am concerned and would appreciate any answers. my husband and i have agreed on not having children untill we are financially secure and also the fact that currently we have work commitments. we've allways used condoms but we remembered how much fun it is without. i took emergency contraception the morning after and experienced a light bleed for 5/6 days. now, im not sure if it was my period or a side effect of the pill as i was due my period around those dates and this was last month! ive not been sick or experienced any pregnancy symptoms since. we had unprotected intercourse again 2 days ago and today, he did not come inside me neither times, i believe im at the end of my pmc due for my period around xmas & hes got low sperm count. ive not been sick but my lower abdomen hurts, perhaps coz of the workout? am i just being paranoid? or is something up? im just concerned as im not prepaired to bring a baby into the world. i know i should be more adult like but then again when ur in the mood for some amazing passionate secksy time u think dont about those things...........


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the morning after pill forces a complete clearance of the uterus.. so you bleed and if there was any sign of pregnancy, that would go too.

Question Author
so to say ive skipped a whole month? that wasnt my period?
Why not go on the pill?
Then you can really enjoy yourselves without the worry of pregnancy ;-)
Doubt if you're pregnant Kiwi, but you could always wait and see if the next period comes. Have you thought about having a contraceptive implant under the skin? No real worries then, and you can enjoy yourselves as nature intended. x
taking anything like that plays havoc with your hormones. I suggest yours are out of synch.

try a different contraceptive if you're likely to take risks.
hey there im 38 weeks pregnant and i fell pregnant being on the pill. if you are really worried take a test to be on the safe side as you can never be sure. i took the morning after pill and did bleed for 3-4 days then to miss my period. i then did a test and my baby due in 2 weeks lol so do a test to be safe good luck :)
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we only just considered about me going on the pill and it seems like a good idea. im just researching into the whole concept and i have a few questions about it.

however the fact about waiting untill my next period would mean waiting untill ater xmas... and IF i were to be pregnant what could i do to terminate the pregnancy? i would be 2 weeks in! far too late for any pill to work...
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even after considering all of the factors?

didnt come in me
lowsperm count
me at the end of my pmc
Question Author
and not being sick in the month after out first go.
Kiwi hun - you wouldn't be too far into a pregnancy to consider a termination, but if you're so against having children at the moment, i have to say that getting passionate or not, most people'd seriously talk about methods of contraception first, if having children isn't on your agenda yet. I agree with Sara - you're probably just out of sync, because the morning after pill "clears you out", generally speaking, and maybe your body's just taking time to adjust again. Having said that, people HAVE been known to be pregnant even after taking this pill, so why not do an early pregnancy test to ease your mind? If you're pregnant, the hormones in your body show up a positive result very early these days.
you can never be sure that he did not come in you the tiniest bit can be the right bit if you get me and not everyone gets symptons of pregnancy i missed 2 periods b4 i did a test
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that does make sence ice. thank you. i agree with u and we always have been careful. the 2 years weve been married we always have used contraception and i wouldn't his cute bare bottom near me if he didnt. but.... i really couldnt help myself...... *blushes* ill have another morning after pill tomorrow and leave the fun for about 2 months so my body can get back in sync. then start theee pill. hopefully all will be ok.
Yes, there's that to consider as well. One of my grandmother's had periods until she was 6 month's pregnant! She went to see her doctor, thinking she might JUST be - and was told that she'd be a mum rather sooner than she expected!
Apart from that Kiwi, it doesn't sound as though you are, but best to check it out, to be on the safe side. Can i just add, that if you ARE - congratulations. It's not such a bad thing you know. x
do a test as soon as you can and then at least its a worry off your mind. if the news is not what you want theres plenty of time to think about the future etc, you will understand if you are pregnant
Question Author
thank you, thank you all for your kind answers.
my first experience with answerbank has been very good and i will use this site more often. u seem like a nce bunch lol

take care all.

love kiwi
The Morning After Pill will just prevent implantation, it is not like an abortion pill and will not cause bleeding, although some women will experience spotting.

The short answer is, if you don't want an unwanted pregnancy, don't have unprotected sex!
please dnt take this the wrong way but if you are not prepared to bring a child into the world then you should be being responsible enough to use contraception. try the pill matbe if you dnt want to use condoms all the time!

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