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shazzzz | 18:27 Sat 27th Dec 2008 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
well had quite a bad year with ill health, and various things exploding around me, any good physic in the thames area. shorly next year has got to be better .


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Sorry you've had a bad year shazzz. If you're serious about having a reading go to your nearest spiritualist church. They only charge about �2 and the mediums are genuine. Good luck.
I don't understand why you want to know what's in store for you?
I am certain that if I had been told in 1979 what was going to happen to my family in the next 25 years I would have cut my throat rather than face it!
I really feel that it's best not to know.
So be careful, shazzzz
Future telling is not necessarily a self fulfilling prophecy, things can still change despite what is said to be at the time.

Self fulfil your own prophecy and make the next year the best year you possibly can in spite of everything :) x
lol i presume you mean you want a psychic? not a physic?
i'm with the others - what if you find out next year isnt going to be better??

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