adding together those figures - 12% of tax and "i pay 200 plus from my taxes every month", it it quite clear you are a rich person (ie righ enough to pay 1600 tax every month) so get a platinum package with private provider! Personally i also wish you could opt out, although i think you will find it impossible to get an accident/emergency service privately so you will be stuffed if you needed it.
You have a 24 hour "just in case" medical service available to you in this country (both gp's and a and e) plus the things ive outlined above. You now moan about having to pay for dentists and prescriptions but the price you pay is heavily subsidised by the nhs - ie a root canal on the nhs will cost you about 45 quid but privately will cost you 500 quid. A prescription for, say, ompeprazole for a month costs about 20 quid - cost to you = about �7 (plus a free consultation with a highly qualified doctor to give you the prescription. if for example you fell over and broke your leg while out shopping, you would get picked up by ambulance, taken to a and e, given an operation (and a bed for about 4 nights on a ward), services of the plaster room, consultant, nurses, outpatient follow up gp appointments for follow up, practice/district nurses, prescriptions for painkillers, aids to help you round the home and possible physio and occupational therapy. The only thing you would pay for would be a prescription charge for painkillers. i dont call that a joke - try payng for that in bupa as yu go along! Ok so you get a doily n the plate wit your dinner!