I had staples rather than disolving stitches, but from memory, it will take a while before it goes - the area around the scar can feel sensitive or have a lack of feeling at all, for years. You need to remember that you have had major surgery - that insision goes very deep into your body and in fact, there are about 2 or 3 layers of stiches holding everything together. As long as there is no major swelling, and no sign of infection, you will probably start to feel a bit more comfortable soon, but this is when you are likely to start forgetting about it and move too quickly!! The pain is natures way of making sure you don't do yourself any major damage.
I had one small corner of my scar that used to get a little scab on it and never really healed properly for about 5 years, so don't expect miracles, just rest, take it easy and relax with your baby, she will be all the happier and more settled if you are.