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Phantom | 15:33 Tue 12th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
what do you think the long lasting effects would be to a adult human being if they take the drug 'speed' (1/4 gram) every weekend ?


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Long term, the user has to take greater doses to get the same effect. They will often become run-down due to lack of food and sleep and may have bad skin and anxiety attacks and suffer from uncomfortable itching� They may suffer delusions and hallucinations and be paranoid, and in worse case example may become psychotic. It can also cause liver damage and heart failure.
plus, no matter how much you think you can trust your dealer you have no idea what they're cutting it with. At best it'll be saccharine and you'll be ripped off. At worst it could be something like Vim
Why can't you just enjoy life without taking stimulants?
you will also be shunned by the "in" drug crowd as speed, like heroin, is so Pass�
The long lasting effect will be that you'll be considered a complete chav for taking such a poor excuse for a drug.
Um, undercovers and Jamie Lewis, you should both be ashamed of yourselves. I know I sound like a headmistress, but really! What the hell are you playing at? All drugs are rubbish in my opinion- I'm with pamnez: truly cool people don't need 'help' to have a good time. In short, the long-lasting effects aren't good. But don't listen to some of the posters on this site, they just like to take the pi**.
A 1/4 of a gram really isn't anything to worry about. Most people tend to use between 1-2grams at any given time. Short term - the user will lose weight, become very irriatable, get tooth ache , serious bags under the eyes from lack of sleep, but they will feel great whilst on speed. Long term - Teeth will start to rot, normal speed with be replaced with base-speed (more expensive pure form) or more than likely cocaine, user will look gaunt and pale, serious loss of weight and paranoia.
Georgit79 - I take it you don't smoke or ever drink alcohol? Pamnez - you don't drink coffee, tea, coke, red bull etc either I presume? It's Phantom's choice what he or she does with their body but at least they're researching the effects. If you want a really dangerous drug, try beer.
Let's not forget that taking speed -- and some of the other drugs mentioned already -- is illegal, even though discussing the effects is not.
no one actually knows the effects it has later on in life but paranoia is supposed to be a very common side effect to this drug my advice to you woud be "just say no"
Speed is something i advise to stay away from, it can make you go slightly crazy over time as has already been said so in about 20 years you would probly have to take medication. I think this is why the drug crowd look down on it.
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Thank you for all your comments & am grateful for the feedback. Have now got a greater understanding of this subject thanks to your answers & being a 37yr old male need to possibly go & buy myself some slippers & some cocoa instead. Cheers.
stoo_pid, I get your point, but at least I stick to the legal stuff! And yes, I know that alcohol can be just as detrimental in the long term, I don't need to be told. One of my immediate family members is an alcoholic so it's a subject close to my heart. And no, I don't smoke. So there.

that's me told!   : - )

BTW in case you felt I was perhaps being facetious, I too have an immediate family member who is (a very abusive) alcoholic & I personally know others - dead and alive - in almost identical circumstances.

I sincerely wish you the very best of luck in dealing with your situation.

Bad skin
Loss of sleep
weight loss
ruined lungs
long term effects can leed to
cancer of lung and kidneys

1/4 gram is not a lot however.
- just dont get in the habit of taking more (this will happen eventually though)

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