I have a new car which has cream leather seats. The problem is that they seem to pick up the colour from dark jeans and trousers very easily. Is there something that I can do or a product that I can use to prevent this? Maybe I should be putting this in the Home and Garden section re cleaning tips, but I thought that someone else might have had a similar problem in their car. Thanks
Thanks TWR. I'm guessing that the auto leather cleaner will remove the colouring once it is there but is there a product that prevents the staining in the first place?
Hi, the product I use comes in 5 Litres, I obviously do not use on every car but the occasional 1/2, I purchase mine with other cleaners I use, If its just a simple clean, use Fairy Liquid but note """" Just a drop""""" & before anyone jumps up and say rubbish, I have been doing this for Years, as said, in my spare time with NO problems/stains nothing, but as soon as the dirt gets removed wipe down with clean water, My own car has Light Grey Leather this is what I do with (A1) results.
Hi again, what I would use if you are in the habit of getting in/out with jean on, a seat cover,its cheaper than any Leather cleaner, I am very particular with my car 7 I do not like the seats getting stained.I ts the easiest option.