nostrils in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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kuls24 | 09:03 Thu 14th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
my left nostril is getting blocked by enlargemnet of cartilage/bone, do i have any other option than surgery, to get it back to normal?
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years ago i was attacked by a rottweiler and lost most of my nose,i was given plastic cartilage and after a few months it settled down.so dont be frightened of surgery.i had 3 years of operations,yours should just be a one of op.

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You could try and eliminate dairy products from your diet. This will reduce the amount of mucus produced, and you may found it easy to breathe through your nose because of this. If it is just the cartilage that is blocking the airway, I would get it operated on. It's no big deal-I had a similar operation years ago. It didn't work with me- the reason I couldn't breathe through my nose was because I had a constant cold. By eliminating dairy products I can now breathe just fine!

See the answer I gave chappie on the Breathing Difficulties thread.

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