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This is getting interesting! could i really ask for that much? not that the money is substitute for the garden, or conservatory but if we had been told about this in the 1st place when we bought the house we would have looked elsewhere so we could have what we want, now we're in the situation that our garden is not much use other than as grass as the wather board will have right of way on it if we sign, we actually chose the house as it had the best sized garden for our money we had to spend and the sewer was never mentioned to us by the plc builder or on the searches performed by our solicitor. Saying that we did come back from holiday in the 1st year of living here to find the fence down, garden dug up and a jcb parked in the middle of it as the builders had ballsed up building it! should have realised then lol! sorry to keep asking but my nice house with nice garden is now just a house with a garden that northumbian water will have rights over. not what we bought in the 1st place!