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OMG! I'm so lucky!

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kira000 | 00:11 Sun 15th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I've just sat down to an AMAZING Valentines meal cooked for me by my BF. I'm never going to eat again i'm so stuffed!

The poor guy has literally been in the kitchen since 11am!
3 courses from a Gordon Ramsey book.

Home made Tagliatelle with Wild Mushrooms

followed by

Venison in a chocolate sauce,
Dauphinoise potatoes
A celeriac, Carrot and Savoy Cabbage Creamy vegetable dish.

Followed by

Puff pastry Frangipani and Fresh Fig Tarts with cream

All washed down with a bottle of Veueve Clicquot Rose.

And a dozen gorgeous red roses!

I'm such a lucky girlie!!

Hope you all had a lovely evening too.


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Fook me he`s slow...11am

Did he microwave it
And now you're on the puta??????

You should be with your BF.

With kisses & caresses, etc.

Lucky girl you. :)
So instead of rewarding him with the best bj of his life ...

... you've come on AB ?
All that work to be ditched for a pixelated screen?

Expect a micro meal and a can of lager next year.

Theres just no pleasing some eh ?

Venison in a chocalate sauce?...Yukkkk

Did he get his menu mixed up
I think MWB put it better than I did.
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Just popped on to the puta, while he went upstairs for 5 mins...
Now we have the rest of the evening to drink more wine, snuggle and feel hideously stuffed...

The nudge nudge wink wink might have to wait until we are less full of food!

were the red roses served with cream?.........................
Let this be a lesson to anyone .

Woah Kira!! I've not long finished a Valentine meal as well - but not as fancy as yours - just a steak meal, with candlelight and soft music though.
Is youre bf a chef???
Kira ... he's going to want a shag.
jj im
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High quality thread, well it started well until the smut crowd decided to make it oh so hilariously funny.
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listen to jayne

jayne even i get mnore sex than you.

and yes i mean with a partner not an attachment

if he's feelin stuffed he may be just as happy with a bit of a fumble! lol!
Oh, no ... guess who !
No? Why, are you?

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OMG! I'm so lucky!

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