Smells in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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hargreaves | 16:02 Tue 19th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Has anyone else noticed that if you eat/drink a lot of one type of food/drink then after a few days the aroma of your urine is similar. I conducted a quick straw-poll amongst the guys and girls in our office as to what their urine smelled like and amongst the most popular was Sugar Puffs, least popular was Toffee flavoured yoghurt. Do any other AB'ers have unusual smelling wee?
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Asparagus has serious side affects in this department - bloody stinks

Oddly, mine smells of tarmac!
Prawns make my piddle smell like umm Prawns.My hubby drinks gallons of coffee,guess what his P smells of!!

I noticed that about sugar puffs too - I hate them and especially hate the way they make your p smell - I thought I was the only person who noticed that, no one else ever mentions it


Apparently not everyone is able to detect the smell of asparagus from their urine and think that their urine doesn't smell of asparagus.  Unsure of the science.
tuna makes a kind of sugar puffs smell - i always thought it reminded me more of sugar beet. Asparagus REALLY does, mmmm what a pleasant question!
Mmmmm, nice! I can't say as I make a habit of smelling my urine, but an interesting theory. Also have you noticed if you eat garlic you can smell it on your skin the next day, coming through your pores???
I have never ever noticed a change in urine fragrance, how bizarre!

I've also noticed this, i think sugary food makes that sugar puff smell and the more water you drink the less likely it is that your urine will smell of anything. i think coffee leaves the strongest smell, maybe beacause it dehydrates you. Interesting post hargreaves.

Toffee flavoured yoghurt?!!!!!! LOL!

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