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Red Bull

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Skinny | 13:12 Thu 21st Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
20 Answers

Can anyone help, I'm concerned at the amount of Red Bull my bf is drinking...he has a can every morning. He says he drinks it every day cause it's good for you, and apparantly on the advert they say "Red bull gives you wings" is this true or is he just being sucked in by the advertising????????



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He's being sucked in. It definitely isn't good for you, but then I don't suppose it can do you much harm. At least he's drinking it in the morning- if he drank it at night he'd have lots of trouble sleeping. All the same, I'd try to dissuade him if I were you.
I drink a can every morning and im fine. dont get a lot of sleep at night so I need something to pick me up in the morning and i find this helps. I wasnt sucked in by the old "it gives you wings " , After studing the advert i felt this was some false advertising and not to expect it.
There has been a lot of hype about this drink & I would say a strong cup of black coffee would be better than a can of Red Bull, that supposedly 'Gives you Wings'.
I don't actually drink coffee, but my husband drinks it by the gallon & seems to keep him going, even at his age!

I think most of its apparent effects are due to people's  imaginations...

There have been some deaths in Sweden about three years ago, that got into the news as the victims were drinking Red Bull just before their deaths.

As fas as I know a connection has never been proved.

But even if it is not bad for you, I really can't imagine it being particularly good!


No it isnt true Red Bull does not give you wings.

sounds like an idiot, whats wrong with orange juice, better for you than a cocktail of chemicals

I wouldn't say one can a day is outrageous, I often work late nights and used to drink a lot of a much cheaper energy drink that was pretty similar, but I would recommend he change to strong coffee as a cheaper and more conventional alternative. The adverts do say Red Bull give you wings, but obviously this isn't true.

alej, I have a red bull everyday so I must sound like an idiot to you then as well....... although I have taken in what you have said im going to carry on drinking the red bull in the morning, Your advise will always be in the back of my mind though. Ps Next time your in the pub drinking your Orange juice be sure to pass on your knowledge to anyone buying a vodka and Redbull , im sure they will appreciate your concern
It's so good for you that it's banned in America and sold in chemist shops in Thailand.
Well observed then Jamie!

Yeah, but dope is banned in America.

i dont go to the pub in the morning Donkey, i have nothing against Redbull but im sure its not designed to be a breakfast drink. P.s. even if u deny ur an idiot you have to admit your a bit of an ass   (theres a joke in there somewhere)

In all fairness none of these answers give you much guidance.  The Energy in Red Bull is derived from caffeine - which in this form is quite unnatural.  If he is after something that is more "natural" but still does the job tell him to drink Lucozade Energy.

The energy in Lucozade is natural glucose which both the brain and body absorb in a much quiker way. 


+read the question properly donkey

I get you now Alej im an idiot for drinking it in the morning, You didn't explain yourself with your first post that you have nothing against Rebull just if you drink it in the morning your an idiot... just so I know what time would you consider ok to be drinking Redbull,, say after 11

after 1pm and your safe, i cant see it goin down too well with bacon and eggs

I agree with you knob, that's why I don't drink coffee, the caffeine makes my heart race! Lucozade is a better idea, it tastes nice too.

Ummmm... no, it's not banned in America, people drink it all the time here. 

And it is sold everywhere in Thailand - the owner of the brand is Thai.  Everyone in jobs with long hours (taxi drivers, bus drivers etc) drink it to keep going.  Try everything in moderation, including moderation

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