This is supposed to be a social site, yet all the majority of you seem to do is b***h and moan about each other. Lately, you also seem to be resorting to VERY personal insults. This is disgusting and some of the posts have been nothing more than blatant bullying. I suggest you (you know who you are!!) grow up or stop polluting sites with your vicious bile that would be embarrassing in an infant school playground!!
Didn't mean to be rude Sara, just cautious!!
Legendaire, if this isn't a social site, what is it???
People get together and chat!!!!!!
What would you call it??
i only know of the facebook trouble group cotwu thats been shut down and also the crap from stompe about it the crap gormfy constantly posts about it also jugglering and trt and the stuff from sgt rock regards daniela and stuff from daniela about sgt rock there
And I consider that I am a good user - I don't recall ever being abusive to anyone and neither have most of the people on here. Just a minority as usual
there are no AB groups on FB other than rubyrose's group, anything Sgt Rock and daniela discuss can be done via MSN, it is not the fault of the FB site