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who in your opinion

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zzxxee | 18:05 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
spends the most time on here?


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Can I have a clue?
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no clue just wanted to know peoples opinion
Not even the first letter?
Legend - although he's been quiet this week.

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joggerjayne is on quite a bit mrs o goes in fits and stages no knowledge as well i think
zzxxee - that's a difficult one. But it certainly CANNOT be Gormless, cos he is always too busy earning his �320 per day - WORKING!!!!!

I'm on quite a bit during the day but on a night usually only Fridays and Saturdays.....
I had rather hoped the question could have been "....... and posts the most drivel" because then I could have given you a few ideas (at �43 per hour of course)
Mrs O goes in fits and stages?

Strewth, you make me sound like a clapped out lawnmower!! lol
glad I'm retired gormy - how do you manage on that rate..
Question Author
sorry mrs o wasnt ment to sound horrible i ment you are on quite a lot and then seldom for a few weeks lol
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It's ok.....I AM like a clapped out lawnmower lol

I work for myself so if I'm not too busy I'm on here....and some weeks I'm rushed off my feet so you won't see me.
LOL @ Knobby
lol @ lilsecret
Wed 08/04/09
17:09 Question Author

joggerjayne is on quite a bit mrs o goes in fits and stages no knowledge as well i think

i think you like posts and seek them out zzxxee thats why you think i am on all the time.
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Hmmm, personally I don't have a problem with folk who spend alot of time on here, im on alot myself during the day. It's how people spend the time when they are here that's a problem.

For example, you could have someone who drifts about the site all day, every day 24/7 and posts here there and everywhere quite harmlessly, then there's the twonks who come on for 10 minutes and cause utter chaos.
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LOL @ me

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