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FAO sqad

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pastafreak | 20:13 Mon 13th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
133 Answers
I was not addressing YOU when I used the term....'hun', tho I am sorry if it offended you,dear.

Next time we are on the same thread,I will make sure I resist any urges to use it.

if there is anyone else who dislikes being called 'hun'...please feel free to let me know .. ;-))


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LOL LOL LOl....pasta I have many idiosyncrasies and "hun" is just one eeof them. The other things that irritate me are:
1) Lavatory seats left up.
2) Adults wearing baseball caps back to front.
2) Women on meeting you kiss you by making the noice
"mwaaaah! mwaaaah! on the other cheek.

Dont worry pasta, it gives me something to moan about. LOL
Mwah, Mwah !
JJ....get back into that shower.
pssst - Hi pasta - you can call me hun and other things anytime !!! xxx
I have the same disregard for the "mwah mwah", unfortunately the ladies golf team are very "mwah mwah" they are still crap golfers as well
cazz.....LOL LOL
Err ,,,, sqad lad,


Ya daft bu88er!


Howdy all!
I can't abide the use of the term ';hun' either as i think it is chavvy and pretentious all at the same time, mind you it is unlikely anyone on here would use it when addressing me anyway. Live and let live though and if people think it sounds cute fair enough.
Mrs Chappie......maths and counting was my week I became an accountant LOL
Hi dot hun, looks like we've got rid of the legolard turd.
Are you after ruining another thread the gormless?

Sun 12/04/09

Knobby with a dot.
Gormless is one of those sick minded people that turn up at a riot or demonstration or any protest or anything, who has not got a clue what it is all about but just likes to be there to stir things up and hides in the crowd like the little coward that he is and every now and then he runs out and pokes his tongue out and then runs back.
Just a sniveling little nutless coward

Sums you up entirely that does
oh i hate the term hun too ....i much prefer hon ;)
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you're wrong about gormless, but carry on regardless, you may have been got at i suppose and so it might not be your fault
like i said, it's chavvy
"jesus christ what a turd"

It says all there needs to be said about knobby. The lasting confidence of Basildon. The supreme hero.
Question Author
Lol!!...and i think that you are ALL a buch of sweet 'hunny's' borrow a term from yogi/ianfran....hahaha!!

Glad I did not sound too 'sarky' there sqad...xx

Me...I hate 'air kissing'. also....just DO
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are you on commision from nike pasta ?
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FAO sqad

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