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angel21 | 16:09 Fri 24th Apr 2009 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
It is no disgrace to start all over. It is usually an opportunity.

George Matthew Adams


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Very good angel21 :-)
Hi angel x
that brings to mind a brother I love dearly who divorced. Nice quote xxx
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When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don't see the one that has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

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Thanks Bea xx
I like it angel :)) I got a lovely little book from my local garden centre today if there's any good quotes in I will post them on here :) that's also a good one beatrice :)))) x x
Angel...yoiu have had such a positve response form your quote so I fear a backlash here:

"It is no disgrace to start all over. It is usually an opportunity. "

I don't particularly find this a profound quote.......does anyone think that starting all over again, is a disgrace?
No... sometimes starting all over again is not a choice, but is forced on us...
depends why i guess...

if ypou are cos you killed your wife, or embezzled, the yes...but it you just need a new challenge or made a bad choice or got robbed then no

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