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small revenge...

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maximo | 13:04 Wed 03rd Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
Hi there ! Has any of you ever done something really crazy/funny for a small revenge after being dumped ? I am asking because I was dumped by TEXT ( ! ) yesterday ( AND in txt tlk, to make it worse) and although I'm far from heartbroken, I would love to find a way of making his life that liiiiitle bit more difficult. So, any suggestions ? Anything funny and really irritating will do ( nothing involving physical harm, by the way ! ). Thank you !


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Just for kicks, why not smear your own faeces into his/her car radiator and under the door handles. It's such a good jape they're bound to see the funny side. Heck, you may even get back together over it. If that fails..... stalk them! You know you want to.

I hate women it makes you want to join the ther side

Blimey what a loser to dump you over tex! Spamflag i must say that it quite evil but a very good idea.Maybe put super glue in his locks when you know he has been out on the razz(drink) so when he trundles home he has a few probs getting in that would be hilarious!Little man asleep on his front garden would be pretty damn funny!
I would say, I know it's hard and it's not be being cheesy and goody two shoes, but be really nice to him and he'll always be wary of you. I must have done some good revenge things I'll have a think and get back to you.
I sold his playstation and mobile phone and threw all his weed in the back garden. He was actually crawling round in the garden at 4am looking for it.
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prawns in the curtain pole, works every time.
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Aftershave on the bonnet of his car.
More hackers.
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Thanks for your answers people ! But maybe I should give Suckthesav his mobile number ? Surely THAT would be a horrible thing to do ? and they could give each other advice on penis enlargement  !

Natalie what are you talking about woman!!?

Itching powder in the underwear? Or does that constitute physical harm? Sugar in the petrol tank maybe? I've never taken revenge myself though. Still bearing that grudge against my ex who dumped me by phone 12 years ago...
You're an imposter, there's imposters and they just took my name then took it off again.

****NEW TOPIC***

That weed you threw in the back garden i take it u found it and have been having a sesh today.

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Thanks nicola ! It would have been a good idea, but I don't have access to his underwear, unfortunately ! and he doesn't have a car ...

Suckthesav : I think you might need to go and let off your steam somewhere else.

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