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What papers/magazines...

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NoMercy | 16:02 Thu 11th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Do you like to read?

I like

Daily Mail (for news)

Conde Nast Traveller (for sheer escapism)

Grazia (for fashion).


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The Mail or The Times (depending on whether I want middle-class trash or intelligentsia) & for the crosswords.

Coast (for dreaming & planning)
Red (for girlie stuff)
Yachting Monthly (cos I'm sad)
Local rag (to see who I know has been arrested for shoplifting, drink driving, or who has died)
The Beano and The Daily Sport.
Daily Mail for news

Empire for movies

Australia & New Zealend magazine for emigration!
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So who's your favourite character in the beano, then? :-)
If I read any daily paper at all it'll usually be the Independant but I'm not a big newspaper fan really. I am a subscriber to Private Eye but it's actually a long standing present to my dad so they get delivered there and I just read them when I'm at his as opposed to being soicable, (he understands, he watches the football).
the Sun.......for me

Fashion Porn

In Praise of Porn.............above 2 for mrs sqad.

Sleighride for Cutie.
Gun Moll for Hire....above 2 for edicational reading
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Oh sqad, how could you read a gutter-rag like the sun? lol
Sqad. You disappoint.
And I had you down as .....

Ok. Maybe I'm not so surprised then.
NoM I have tried the Telegraph and Times, but can't understand the words............anyway they haven't got pictures of birds with big t1ts.
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You saucy devil, Sqad...... rofl !
The Guardian

The Observer




Conde Nast Traveller


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Hi JJ !

I love Harpers and Tatler. Don't care much for Vanity Fair.
The Express - just because I always have. And I can do the simpletons crossword..!!

The Mail - Just slightly more informative and I can also do their simpletons crosswords as well.

But not everyday :-( Sometimes I have crossword block.

Just what is it with men and big t1ts?
It's got to be a back-to-the-breast with mamma thing. Or a comfort thing - a bit like a pillow. Or just a nipple-twiddling thing?

Why breasts? Why not, say, earlobes? Or little toes? Or bellybuttons? problem...include them all.
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Hi NoMercy

I agree. Although I do buy the occasional Vanity Fair if it has an interesting celebrity feature

(although I think the Demi Moore cover was probably the last one)
Errr those features appeal to you in men?
Not at all. I like manly semi-hairy chests.
Don't mind earlobes.
I like necks.
And a few days' growth of stubble.
And a nice clean erect willy :-)

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