I told my best mate before xmas her boyfriend was with his ex, I work with him and he tried making out I was lying and it caused a lot of friction. Several people backed up what I was saying and they split but got back together and I left them to it. In the last week he has been out to lunch with his ex 3 times (she also works with me) and they have been swapping stuff between their cars. My friend phoned today saying he dumped her because "they are too alike", I never let on that I knew about him and his ex meeting up for lunch but I definitley think he has been doing the dirty on her. She feels like it is all her fault and she didn't do things right. Would you have told her what you knew or kept quiet?
Thanks everton. I called him all the names under the sun this morning! Her confidence is shot to pieces, from what she's told me it sounds like he's playing mind games.
I just hope she doesn't get back with him again and not know what he's been up to. I'm keeping quiet though!
Yep, I kinda learnt from last time. Thought I was being a good friend being honest with her and she believed me but he tried to turn her against me and say I was lying, he was a nightmare to work with for a while and after all that they still ended up together! I really wanted to say to her to make her hate him and not think it was her fault but bit my tongue but then felt bad for lying to her saying I knew nothing
I agree with latinlover and everton oh! and by bthe way, I am proud of you for keeping your mouth shut.....you know ti makes sense...bonjour as the Dutch say...LOL
I think he knows that I know what he's been up to, he's no longer talking to me. He probably thinks I'm going to tell her! I'd love to let him know that I've seen all he's been up to and have told my best mate just to see him panic (that's even if he cares) but I won't!