Good morning Sqad. I do hope your intuition is not correct. Gelda is such a lovely, brave, and caring lady, who has touched the lives of so many people, as your thread shows. I think the last we heard from her was when she said she was going into hospital on a Wednesday to have her chest drained, so perhaps she is still in hospital. Gelda's posts have been missed, and if as we all suspect this might indeed prove to be permanent, I do hope she has (or will) make arrangements for someone to send a last message. Gelda was so looking forward to her Foxy's cubs arriving, and I'm so glad that she has had the pleasure of seeing the little cubs playing. Wherever Gelda is, whether it's still in hospital, or elsewhere, I'm sure that the thoughts of the special people who have posted on this thread, will reach her in some mysterious way, and she'll know much we all love her.