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Just had my eyebrows waxed

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karma22 | 14:10 Fri 10th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
They go bright red and really itchy after ouch!!


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Lol, was it your 1st time? I get mine done once every two wks. Also remember that when a lady is approaching THAT time of the month, getting your eyebrows waxed can be more sensitive.
That is pretty normal, you should wash it with cold water and then put some refreshinf cream on it and within a few hours should be back to normal...

A piece of advise, the best way to do your eyebrows is threading, waxing pulles you skin and after years of doing it the top part of your eye is most likely to drop...

Try threading you might like it best... :)
add some aloe vera moisturising cream this should calm and sooth it
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PeeBee - no not my first time, been a few times now.

SuDFB - yes normally back to normal within a couple of hours. She put some cream on - I don't know what sort of cream it was though. Yeah I'd much prefer to have my eyebrows threaded - don't like the idea of my skin being pulled off - oh god never thought about the fact it could make the top bit sag! omg must get threading next time!!!

zzxxee - I'll have to ask her what sort of cream she applies.
I get mine threaded, I used to moan about waxing until I tried threading... I don't think it's a pain I'll ever get used to!
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Oh is threading much more painful then China? hmmm waxing is bad enough in my opinion.

I have no problem with waxing but tried threating really just to give it a go. I hated it and did have big red brows afterwards which is not a problem I get with waxing. Did give it one more go with a different beautician but unfortunately is not for me!
What on earth is threading?!!!! I have visions of someone plaiting my eyebrows!
lol Rinkins - the beautician uses a piece of thread twisted in the middle against the hair growth to pull the hairs out.

That has just reminded me, I've got to do my eyebrows later.
Sounds bizarre to me! Thankfully I don't need to touch my eye brows!

Don't leave it too late barmaid! You don't want to go out with red caterpillars over your eyes.

Oh and don't forget to shave your legs LOL
Very much more painful. You actually get the pleasure of feeling each individual hair come out that you don't get with waxing... I so miss waxing!
What waxed clean off????

So you are eyebrowless!!!!!
Yeah I ought to do it soon! I am wearing trousers so not sure if I will bother with my legs.

China - pleasure?!!!!! lol
Yes BM you only have an hour before you start throwing outfits around the room! LOL
On crap - where has today gone?!!!!
Tell me about it! You've made me realise I need to put two hours aside somewhere to wash dry and straighten my bloody hair! Takes an absolute age!
Well I just washed my hair so it can dry while I finish working, nip to the office and then do a spot of shopping. Not sure whether to go straight or curly yet - depends on how much time I end up with. It could just be a put up and have done with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I suppose I could wash my hair, drive up the A12 with my head out the window looking for the car wash men and by the time I get home it'll be dry at least! I'll give you a wave!
lol! Driving is for drying your hair!! The number of times I leave late and just take the roof off the car. Mind you, when I get there I look like the wild woman of Borneo.
PMSL!!! After the conversations this morning and now this I am thinking there are several of us girls here that seem incredibly alike!! LOL

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Just had my eyebrows waxed

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