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peeved-of | 00:57 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Well folks we got another thread.



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Like this perhaps
Or [i]maybe[/i] this
Or even this
Does this work?
No that didn't work
abcd efgh jklm
abcd efgh jklm
abcd efghjklm
let's carry [i on as we [i] mean ] to go on
let's try [i that
on [i] different ] lines
no, that didn't work
Is sandyRoe a 'reserved word'?
It would appear so!
Is sandyRoe case dependent? Does a comma, after sandyRoe, make a difference?
'No' to both!
What about 'Site Rules'?
I think '*Chortlesplutters*' is another.
Is Mollykins a 'special word'?
It would appear so

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