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Nausea after general anaesthetic

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loggy01 | 12:42 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
I am severely sick after a general anaesthetic and am due to have one soon for eye surgery. When I have been into hospital before I have told the Anaesthetist but nothing seems to help. Someone once said that there is a good anti-sickness drug which I think begins with a "Z" but it is not commonly given as it is so expensive. Does anyone know what this is called? I am dreading the after effects of surgery!!


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okay, but go with an open mind. I was horribly sick after my first general anaesthetic, but fine with the ones that (sadly!) followed.

I wish you all the best with your op x
I hope all goes well with your thyroid op dinkydoo .

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Nausea after general anaesthetic

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