Hi everyone, Ive heard that drinking raspberry leaf tea can help with labour if you drink it in the weeks leading up to the birth. However I have opted for tablets as the tea tastes awful. Im only 28 weeks so not taking them yet but wondered if anyone has used them. Did they help and when did you start to take them? Thanks
your baby will come when its good and ready, so i would leave it if i were you and make the most of the time you do have on your own before the baby comes. that extra couple of weeks will make all the difference in the world xxx
Hi, just had quick read and sorry to dissapoint you but your little one will come when its ready and not before, ive had two kids and tried everything from sex, hot curry's bumpy roads ,drinking mad cups of awful tasting tea, and nothing worked, so i gave up, i know how u feel though you get to the stage where u just want it out, but not long to go now.
good luck.
ettelloc has said that she wants to take them to bring on labour, it doesnt claim to do such a thing.
RLT is supposed to help make contractions more efficient when labour does start