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FOA Paraffin

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sqad617 | 10:15 Thu 23rd Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
106 Answers
I know you are watching....LOL....don't be silly, come back as you are a valued member.

FFS...this is only cybertalk.

Go on, come back.


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Strewth sqad, don't tell me you've upset another A'Ber!
-- answer removed --
Hi paraffin. Most people who read your thread accepted you had made a mistake with the wording. you apologised for it, and it takes a big man to do that. you have my respect anyway for what it's worth.
It's a sad AB without you. :-(

please come back.
Question Author, not this time.

There tends to be a new lot who take exception to being insulted......CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

It is making my job far too easy ....LOL
Question Author
lexie...i agree.........except that I thought that his original question was fine.
whilst I didn't!

just to balance things ;o)
And I didn't have an opinion on it.
Question Author know that I have always fancied you....don't you? :-)
of course, sqad, and who could blame you? ;o) xxx
But you wouldn't want him to leave because of it would you Sara?

I don't think it was the question at all. I think it's because he felt hounded into making a confession he hadn't even told his parents.
sqad's right Paraffin, what does it matter what we say about ourselves on here, we'll never meet and if we did would we care?
to be honest, he's been really rude to me in the past for no good reason but I don't mind either way whether he stays or goes.

but I'm of the school of thinking before you speak/type, especially on very sensitive subjects.
He did say it was the early hours of the morning when he made the post, and that he was tired.

He worded it wrong and he admitted it.
What more does a man have to do?
nothing for me, I've already said I don't mind if he stays/comes back.

I just think if you post something so offensive, you can't be entirely surprised when people are offended.
Anyway, we have already had the debate as to wether it was right or wrong. the point here is, another decent person has been hounded from this site by abuse thrown at him with swear words and name calling.
Debate is fine, but when it comes to the point that a person has had enough and wants to leave because of it, then there is truly something wrong with this site's moderation and bullying should be stopped once and for all!!!!
Has anyone got a link to the post in question?
I must say, I didn't bully, call names or swear!!

mrs_o, it's been removed. I could tell you what was said but suspect I wouldn't be very popular for it.
most of it was deleted anyway mrs-overall, so it won't make a lot of sense.
Oh, OK, thanks anyway.
I didn't know it had gone completely.
I wasn't refering to you sara about the name calling. You know full well who I meant, and that bit was taken off before the whole thread went, so the ED has the same opinion as I do.

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