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Is it just me??

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PeeBee1 | 10:23 Fri 31st Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Does anyone else find this strange??

You have an affair, hubby finds out, gets a divorce, & still calls themselves MRS.... I understand keeping you married name for the sake of the children but to still call yourself MRS i dont understand. If you didnt want to be with your hubby & have an affair why would you still associate yourself as a mrs to that man???? I just dont get it!!!


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being called "Ms" just raises eyebrows. it's not a great choice!
well, it saves the hassle of having all her credit cards changed to MS.
I want to be called my name, not Ms or Miss or anything.

Gets on my goat it does.

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Why not Miss?
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Fcuk the hassle to her, she was in the wrong, tough t!tty really if she has to change everything.
because Miss indicates never married. to call yourself Miss Smith (being your married name) just isn't right.
'Miss' is used for unmarried women,why should divorcees be forced to go back to using it?
I usually put Ms. as I am not a spinster but am also no longer married..........I couldn't give a flying fig what anyone thinks of
I sense sour grapes.
I had a bit of an argument with a hospital once. They wanted to put my name on the board behind my head as Ms. Such & such.

I said I wanted them to call me my name - Claire.

They insisted it had to be Ms such & such.

I won!!!!!!!
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Lol Logic, Im the second wife yes, but i am the REAL Mrs lol
I use MS since my divorce, also reverted back to my birth surname.
years ago, when i met anyone with the Ms title, i locked in lke a sidewinder missile,
But that was many many many years ago,
when God was still a lad.
it's ridiculous. anyone asking for your info "miss or mrs?" and you have to say "Ms" and you see that look.. they're thinking "divorced, women's rights activist or lesbian?"

men don't have this problem.
That's why I say - my name's Claire.

Nothing else, no titles - just Claire.
''it's ridiculous. anyone asking for your info "miss or mrs?"

Better than being asked ''Mr or Mrs''...
that's why I keep my hair long, snags.
Nice 'tashe!
That's funny mwbwhen i was in hospital I had a similar thing happen, but they didn't put a name there,
They put somebody elses initials,
DNR, I have'nt got a clue to this day who that was.
I have been married twice, divorced once, now free & single(ish). After my first divorce I reverted to Miss, after this break-up I decided to really bamboozle folks - sometimes I tick the Miss box, sometimes the Ms, sometimes the Mrs & sometimes the Dr or Rev.

Like MWB, I don't like any sort of title or to be pigeonholed - I just like my first name used and that's it.
lol logic DNR usually means do not resusitate

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