Dissolute-- in the main you will find on this site people you can , if you want to , talk to.The majority will try to help.
Now you have many problems and can only progress if you tackle these one by one.
Your Gp is right it is
down to you but , you are not going to manage without professional help. so go back and ask for counselling help .
Join AA and get your drinking sorted.
Set yourself short term goals , and don't try to fight all your demons on all fronts at the same time.That is the way to fail'
You remember as well that there are people in much worse situations than yourself , You have a very precious gift of life , treasure it and make it work for you.You say that no- one cares for you , well here is some news no- one cares for for thousands of other people -- so what , no big deal.
You might begin by getting your depression sorted see a different Gp if you have to.But do something about it.
Depression is an illness and is treatable , so go for it.
Going to finish now don't want to lecture you , but every life has its share of grief , tragedy and despair and you are no different , keep in touch if you want to , you will find support and help on AB, but not unless you are prepared to do your share.
best of luck Brenda.