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Greedyfly | 22:54 Sat 05th Sep 2009 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Hello, this is a long one so bear with me. Last December I slipped on some ice and broke my ankle in 4 places, I had ORIF surgery to fix it back together and had to take a few months off work. My sick pay lasted for 9 weeks then after that I used holiday time I had left then my overdraft and SSP to live on. After a few weeks having my cast off and learning to walk properly again the metalwork in my ankle started to cause trouble so I was booked in for more surgery to have it removed. That happened in July. My sick pay doesnt get renewed until December and so I used all my holiday allocation to \'recover\'. Now I am back at work still in as much pain as I was before the second surgery and my surgeon has started my back on physio and has told me I will probably need more surgery if this doesnt help. I started physio this week and my therapist has basically told me I need to not work and to rest as I am doing more damage to my foot and causing complications by doing my job, im in retail I walk for about 8 hours a day. The pain is constantly there and is sometimes unbearable. When I was first off after surgery 1 I researched into any financial help I would be entitled too but could find nothing. Is there anything out there to help me out so that I can take the time off work to heal?

Any advice would be gratefully recieved.

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I agree with WhiteBears,
Normally when SSP ceases,the DWP will advise you and you will be transferred to Incapacity Benefit.
This site "What am I Entitled to?!
is great,you just enter your details(anonymously) and it will tell you what (and how much) you are entitled to.
Everyone is still getting used to the layout,please have some patience with Greedyfly(and everyone).
If you have pins in your ankle you will need to rest them as much as possible. Maybe your employer could arrange a sedentary job for you?
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All the pins and plates have been removed now, but the pain remains the same. Hence the next surgery which will be a key hole camera job. Thanks for your answers so far I will check it out now. As for the layout, I dont like it much lol its a bit BIG.
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Just checked out incapacity benefit - I am not entitled to it as my injury wasnt sustained before october. I assume I would have to wait sufficient time to claim, which is ridiculous as SSP doesnt even cover my rent. The only thing I can think I can do is take out a loan and take the time off work but tha would mean getting into even more debt than I am in from being off all the time I have so far.
hi Greedyfly.

dont take out a loan, ive just checked out the incapacity benefits, they have changed it to Employment and Support Allowance

best give them or the jobcentre a ring, they are really helpful. if you have been paying National Insurance then you CAN get help. Thats what the national insurance is for!! =)
So sorry to hear about your injury. I would go along with everyone else, and the Incapacity Benifets, but do you have any savings at all. The last time I looked they asked you all personal questions about how much you had saved, and then if it was anything much at all they did not give you anything. I would look into this in great detail, and hope you get well soon.

If we knew where you lived we would all come round and help you.
As a fellow ankle breaker you have all my sympathy. Greedyfly, go to Citizens Advice Bureau. They are excellent at doing a benefits check for you to see what you may be entitled to. Best of luck
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Hello, just though I would keep you posted on where i got with CAB. I am officially not entitled to anything. I can get SSP which doesnt even cover rent let alone bills & food, and when that runs out AI am entitled to Incapacity benefit whic is less than SSP. I get no help with rent or council tax etc.. as I live with my partner who is on a low income. I find the whole think blooming ridiculous - how is anyone who has an accident meant to live whilst they recover if they are not entitled to any financial help - why do I pay National insurance if it doesnt help me? Looks like borrowing the money is the only way.

Thanks everyone for your answers and kind words.

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