i cant tell you wether it would be best to terminate the pregnacy or not but what i can tell you is my story which sounds a little similar to yours and tell you what I did. I had come out of a really bad marriage and my confidence was at a all time low and like you i had a friend who was so supportive and became ''my rock'' through this time, obviously over a short time really we became close and started a relationship. Within weeks of being a couple i was ready to leave my home and family/friends to move in with him in another part of the country, and then i found out i was pregnant! ! ! straight away his attitude changed and he said he didnt want the baby and that things had gone to fast for him, i also found out that he had been taking cocaine in a big way (niavely i really didnt know he was doing that) and that because of his habit he was on the verge of losing his home and buisness. I decided on a termination as it was the best for ME and as hard a decision it was to make i feel that i made the right one. Things ended between us and i moved on. i then got close to a ex and even though i thought 'maybe we could give it another go'' i then realised that he was my ex for a reason and if he hurt me that bad once he will do it again. I can honestly say that walking away from both of my desions wads the best thing i ever did. Four years on ive met a wonderful man and went on to have a daughter together. I dont know if this wouldve helped you or not but i felt i had to tell you my experience. good luck scottie xxx