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waylen | 18:56 Wed 04th Nov 2009 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I ask again----- where is my post?


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No need to ask so rudely,you were answered in your question further down this page and were given a link to your original post.Here you are again in case you can't be bothered to look at your other question:
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So sorry! I was not being rude, I really can`t find my original question, I worked my way through page after page and can`t find it. Last night funny things were happening and I got a message saying "they" were going to dinner!!! and after that ---nothing.
I`ve found it now thanks to your link, thank you
What a shambles
The 'they were going to dinner' message most likely referred to a brief period during which AB shut down for some techie work that needed doing.
If you want to see one of your threads,look in your profile...they will all be there.

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