Many people are addicted to inventions shown on Dragon's Den etc. Assuming you are not money motivated what invention have you created and would like the world to know about?
Set yourself up as an internet agency. Get householders, small businesses to let out their unused parking spaces near to large events, etc and act as a broker taking a cut. This could be near to fottball stadiums, train stations, work places. There is no limit! The owner of the parking lot makes some free dough and the vehicle owner finds somewhere to put his motor.
Just an addition to that airport parking vendor mentioned by hawkwalk he expects to be a millionairre within 2 years. Surely as this is a service it cannot be patented and therefore in the full glare of publicity would allow others to imitate his idea?
A remote control invention which, when zapped at the TV, turns off all that annoying and inappropriate background music which some programme producer has felt would improve the quality of the programme. Often it doesn't and just becomes a very annoying distraction, especially to many older people who have hearing difficulties.