doris-stately: Just to confirm one of your question's, yes CPS referral is 'normal' and the police have to refer nearly all contested cases to the CPS for a decision and it certainly does not mean they think you are guilty.
Believe it or not, a lot of police work is dealing with rubbish and false allegations most of which cases are pretty obvious to any experienced officer or investigator. (main motives for false allegations include revenge and gaining tactical advantages in numerous situations).
In answer No 1, ahmskunnirt asked about a solictor and went onto ask ask what advice you were given. The reason you will see this question commonly asked is because the solicitor will usually have a full evidential disclosure from the police prior to the accused being interviewed, the solicitor usually sits in the police interview and listens to the allegations / evidence etc and hears the accused responses. Therefore, the solicitor it helps to know the solicitors assessment in order for a poster to advise you.
Also, you state ' the witnesses said they did not see me punch her', was there any kind of an incident?.
Any questions pls ask.